Embodiment Practitioner

Hello Gorgeous ♥️

As an embodiment practitioner, you’ve been questioning beauty standards & diet culture for some time now. You’ve started the healing work of identifying your limiting beliefs and are making positive shifts.  

You know your body is a miracle of life. You’re grateful for it, but you still have thoughts you won’t be enough if you gain weight, develop wrinkles, or your hair starts to thin.

You’ve already been doing a deep dive into your inner world healing your beliefs, thoughts, emotions and behavior and now you’re looking for an aligned, supportive community so you can continue to peel back layers and continue to expand. 

You are practicing being comfortable being with your body, listening to its wisdom and taking action on your intuition.  You are learning to give yourself permission to be a full human being.

You’ve done a lot of healing work on your own and now you’re ready to take the leap of showing up more vulnerably in relationship with others and/or divesting from the systems of oppression and leaning into liberation in other areas of life.

Healing in relationship is important because the work of liberation is by witnessing others’ lived experiences so that you can become aware of deeper layers of engrained oppression.

You may realize that we are not truly free until we are all free and you desire to work on feeling into this.

What’s working well:

  • Your commitment to honoring your humanity

  • You’re leading authentically by example

  • You’re at a point where you’re ready to heal yourself, knowing this will heal your relationships and positively influence the world around you

A Gentle Invitation:

I invite to you listen to this podcast “Why healing and liberation are tied together” to continue your embodiment journey. 


And please connect with me on Instagram so we can stay connected. 

Ready to deepen your connection to your body even more?

Learn how to go beyond body positivity

Online Masterclass to inspire you to live in peace with your body for a more fulfilling life. Discover why body positivity alone falls short. Learn why disconnection from your body holds you back from showing up in your life the way you desire.

Topics covered include…

  • history of why we believe our body is the problem

  • the harm of diet culture and how it keeps us disconnected

  • identify subconscious beliefs that fuel negative self talk

  • role of nervous system regulation & suggested practices

  • practices for shifting negative self talk

  • how to connect to and listen to your body to build self trust

  • ways to honor your humanity to cultivate self love